




Early Morning Walks: Transform Your Day

Early Morning Walks: Transform Your Day

There’s something inherently magical about the early morning hours. Those quiet moments when the world is just beginning to stir and the chaos of daily life hasn’t yet begun. As someone fortunate enough to live within walking distance of the beach, the allure of the...

What is Stoicism and How can it Help You in Life

What is Stoicism and How can it Help You in Life

Understanding Stoicism So, what is Stoicism and how can it help you in life? Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium around 300 BC. This philosophy teaches that the world is rational and that people can achieve happiness by...

How to Create Habits That Stick

How to Create Habits That Stick

How to Form New Habits and Stick with Them In this article, we look at How to Create Habits that Stick which can be very difficult. A habit is a behavior pattern acquired through repetition. It can be as simple as brushing your teeth twice a day or as complex as...

Kita the Japanese Akita – The new family arrival

Kita the Japanese Akita – The new family arrival

I’ve adopted a dog… I've just adopted Kita the Japanese Akita. Over the past few months I’ve been thinking of adopting a dog and it’s not a decision I’ve taken lightly. Luckily, I work from home and have done for many years. I would also consider myself as a fairly...

Personal Monthly Challenges Using the Rule of Three

Personal Monthly Challenges Using the Rule of Three

I've always set myself some personal monthly challenges over the years but never really written them down. At the end of each year or sometimes at the start of a new one, I would create a list of some yearly goals. This would end up being a long unobtainable list with...

What is Bullet Journaling or BuJo?

What is Bullet Journaling or BuJo?

Bullet journaling is a way to organize your thoughts and plans. It uses bullet points and symbols to make writing and recording easier, saving you time by allowing you to quickly jot down your ideas. and make a list. Who created it... Ryder Carroll, a digital product...

Is meditation for you?

Is meditation for you?

A lot of people still don't know what meditation is together with its benefits. They think it's just something monks do and weird people copy. They think it means sitting upright, making a funny humming noise whilst starting to float and this included me. Well, I've...