How can I help you?

I am an experienced WordPress expert, adept at creating customised websites from the ground up or improving existing ones to meet your specific needs. My proficiency in a wide range of plugins allows me to enhance website functionality and user experience uniquely suited to your requirements.

Prior to development, I conduct extensive research and competitor analysis to ensure your website not only looks impressive but also excels in your industry.

I have a strong background in hosting, ensuring your site’s optimal performance and speed. My skills also extend to crafting engaging content that resonates with your audience and employing advanced SEO strategies to enhance your website’s visibility and search engine ranking, thereby boosting your online presence.

Me aka Paul Gadd
Digital Specialist
Trainer & Educator
Business Adviser
Aspiring Digital Nomad

Website Design and Development

I am an experienced WordPress expert, adept at creating customized websites from the ground up or improving existing ones to meet your specific needs. My proficiency in a wide range of plugins allows me to enhance website functionality and user experience uniquely suited to your requirements. Prior to development, I conduct extensive research and competitor analysis to ensure your website not only looks impressive but also excels in your industry. I have a strong background in hosting, ensuring your site’s optimal performance and speed. My skills also extend to crafting engaging content that resonates with your audience and employing advanced SEO strategies to enhance your website’s visibility and search engine ranking, thereby boosting your online presence.

Digital Marketing

I specialise in enhancing your website’s visibility and ranking through effective Search Engine Marketing (SEM) strategies, ensuring that your brand captures the attention of its intended audience at the right time. My expertise extends to social media, where I create and manage campaigns that resonate with your audience, fostering strong brand connections. In Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, I focus on maximizing your return on investment by designing attention-grabbing and action-inducing ads, optimising your advertising spend for the best results. Additionally, my skills in email marketing involve crafting engaging content for newsletters and promotional campaigns, aimed at building customer loyalty and driving conversions directly to your audience’s inboxes.

Trainer and Educator

In this fast-paced technological era, continuous learning is key. As an experienced trainer and educator, I lead both in-person and virtual workshops, designed to not only impart knowledge but also instill confidence in application. My expertise spans various domains including website design and development, usability, search engine optimisation, WordPress (from beginner to advanced levels), digital marketing, eCommerce, business productivity, and cybersecurity.

I have collaborated with the Welsh Government, Visit Wales, Swansea University, Aberystwyth University, Business Wales, and numerous tourism organisations, providing customised workshops to meet their specific needs.

Business Advisor

As a seasoned business advisor, I understand that guiding businesses to success requires not only expertise but a profound grasp of their distinct challenges and potentials. My experience encompasses supporting both emerging and established businesses, helping them to adeptly navigate the complexities of the business environment and reach their goals. My consultancy areas include leadership, training and staff development, process and business planning, financial support, sales and marketing reviews and planning, database/customer relationship management (CRM), budget planning, and cost saving.

The growth and stability of your business are contingent on making well-informed, strategic decisions. In my role as your business adviser, I am committed to providing personalized insights, strategies, and solutions, ensuring that your business excels in a competitive market.

Think I can help you?

Are you interested in exploring how my expertise can benefit you? Let's schedule a complimentary call and discuss how we can work together to achieve your goals.


I have no hesitation in recommending Paul to anyone who wants to know more about WordPress, SEO, e-Commerce and website development. Paul has delivered several WordPress workshops for Software Alliance Wales and the feedback from our delegates about Paul is consistently of the highest order. His delivery is measured, engaging and very effective and he always works hard to ensure that everyone gets the best out of his events – not an easy task when trying to train a large group of people who all have different needs and experiences. Paul is, without doubt, one of the most professional and effective trainers I have worked with.

— Huw Davies

I recently attended an online SEO webinar, it was fantastic! Let me be clear I am in no way technically minded nor to be frank is it a topic that raises my curiosity however, Paul’s delivery is easily understandable ‘no jargon’ he brings the topic to life by using real examples I was completely inspired and was given the tools to help me do the jobs I had identified that I needed to do. Scott supports Paul throughout the webinar providing useful links and info before being asked for it…. It’s like he could read my mind! So, whilst anything online and technical is so not my bag I believe I may be turning a corner, at least when Sandfire Creative is involved. Absolutely brilliant. I can’t thank you enough.

— Lisa Johnston

Thank you for the recent SEO Webinar. I found it interesting, relevant and enjoyable. Paul is a clear and engaging speaker, and the content inspired me to learn more and look into SEO and Marketing from a different angle. (to explain, I have a small shop with a ready-built website. I have minimal IT skills, so I relied upon my location in a tourist town and neglected the website, mainly through fear.) The webinar motivated me to learn about digital marketing and improve my online business.

— Ruth Catherine

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